12th Annual Monroe Mandolin Camp

September 10-14, 2025

Location Information

  • Lake Junaluska Conference Center
  • 91 N Lakeshore Drive, Lake Junaluska, NC, 28785 US

EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT COUPON CODE: EB50 (Only applied to Adult PIF Reg):

NaN days, NaN hours, NaN minutes, NaN seconds

  • A minor must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.


We are a closed campus for this event.  All persons must be registered to be on site including companion/parent/spouse. Tuition rates remain the same.

There are several Registration options available: Adult Pay in Full Now, or Adult Pay Non-Refundable Deposit (balance due by July 1st).  There are also have single day options available.  We have added a Adult Balance Due and Student Balance Due Option to streamline completion of payment by July 1st. (FYI: You will be required to re-input your information when returning to pay balance.)

Please note that a discounted STUDENTS registration option is available for all K-12, Home-Schooled, Undergrad, Graduate, Doctorate students.  All students must email a copy of their class schedule to [email protected].  Student and Early Bird Discount cannot both be applied.

Companion/Partner/Spouse/Non-Participant option is available and includes: all special presentations, instructor concert, Wednesday Opening Night celebration, Student Ensemble Showcases, hanging out and listening to evening jams. This option does not include classes, meals, or lodging (but can be ordered separately.) If registering as a companion/partner/spouse/non-participant, you may skip the instrument choice.

For Minors under the age of 18, please fill out the Minor Release 2025.pdf and email it to [email protected]  A parent/guardian must be on-site during the camp and sign up as such (if not registering as a participant camper.) ALL parents and/or guardians id will be checked against the Minor release during camp check-in. 

  • Intermediate Level and Above

  • Intermediate Level and Above

  • Deposit is Non-Refundable and Non-Transferable
    $400 Tuition Balance due by 07/01/2025.

  • Deposit is Non-Refundable and Non-Transferable
    $300 Tuition Balance due by 7/01/2025.

  • Balance due for Adults who initially registered for NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT OPTION at the time of registration. Due by July 1, 2025

  • Balance due for Students who initially registered for NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT OPTION at the time of registration. Due by July 1, 2025.

  • Includes attendance at all special presentations, instructor concert, Wednesday Opening Night celebration, Student Ensemble Showcases, hanging out (but not playing) at jams. Does not include classes, meals, or lodging.

  • Includes 3 classes, special presentations/electives, three meals, evening jams.

  • Includes 3 classes, special presentations/electives, three meals, instructor faculty concert, evening jams.

  • Includes 3 classes, special presentations/electives, three meals, evening jams.


We have 3 options for lodging on-site at the Lake Junaluska Conference Center.  Lodging options are for single occupancy, or shared/double (triple/quad also available. Contact Heidi if more than 2 or if a family.)  Lodging is fairly limited.  

THE APARTMENTS: Apartments with kitchenettes and sitting area, and two double beds or two single beds, sleeper sofa pull out couch.

HILLSIDE LODGE: 25 motel-style rooms with two double beds, flat-screen TVs and coffee makers.  

MOUNTAINVIEW LODGE:  These rooms offer dormatory-style simplicity with private bathrooms and linens for bedding and bath.  Mattresses are plastic budget kind.  All sheets, blankets, and towels are included.  

SHARED/DOUBLE OCCUPANCY.  Please note that if you sign up for a shared/double room and you are not paired with another, you will be responsible for the single room rate. Pairing based upon gender. Please include name of room companion requested (if known).

Please note: There is an 11% State Facility Tax on all lodging options that is included in the price.

  • 9/9/2025 Tuesday

  • 9/9/2025 Tuesday

  • 9/9/2025 Tuesday

  • 9/9/2025 Tuesday

  • 9/9/2025 Tuesday

  • 9/9/2025 Tuesday


Both Meal Plan options start 9/11/25 (Thurs) with Breakfast (8:00 am - 9:00 am for the sleepy heads!) We are offering 2 Meal Plans this year, for either Regular/Carnivore or Vegetarian options.  Meals will be served in the newly renovated YORK DINING HALL and will be Chef's Choice, buffet style.  Please make sure to note any allergies as this will be communicated with the chef.  Please note: Each plan includes a NC State Food Sales Tax of 7% as well as a Lake Junaluska Conference Center mandatory 18% Service Charge in it's total cost (sorry-couldn't get out of those!)   Last day to order meal plan is  8/15/2025.

  • 4 Breakfast, 3 Lunch, 3 Dinner. Chef's Choice Buffet

  • 4 Breakfast, 3 Dinner. Chef's Choice Buffet


  • Unisex Camp Tshirt

    Unisex Camp Tshirt

    Collectible t-shirt curated for this year only..choose your size and enjoy year round!

  • Camp Manual

    Camp Manual

    A true collectible and resource to use throughout the year! Each camp manual includes ALL instructor materials, additional resource materials, class schedules and descriptions.

    $30.00 ea.


Monroe Mandolin Camp does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, beliefs, or sexual orientation.  Monroe Mandolin Camp will not tolerate any expressions of any such bias at our events.  We ask that any agendas other than learning, building community, laughter, grace, friendship, connection, and playing this amazing music called 'bluegrass' be left at home.   Our gatherings are a safe and nurturing space for all to attend, and we will fiercely protect that across the board.

By registering for MMC, I grant permission to MMC, its employees and agents, to take and use visual/audio images of me. Visual/audio images are any type of recording, including but not limited to photographs, digital images, drawings, renderings, voices, sounds, video recordings, audio clips or accompanying written descriptions. I agree MMC owns the images and all rights related to them. The images may be used in any manner or media without notifying me. I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished images or any printed or electronic matter that may be used with them, or to be compensated for them.
I release MMC and its employees and agents, including any firm authorized to publish and/or distribute a finished product containing the images, from any claims, damages or liability which I may ever have in connection with the taking or use of the images or printed material used with the images.
I have read this release before signing, I understand its contents, meaning, and impact, and I freely accept the terms.
Please read the following carefully and acknowledge your acceptance of its terms and conditions:

I indemnify and hold harmless the Monroe Mandolin Camp, any of its employees and/or agents from all claims from my use of or participation in any Monroe Mandolin Camp programs. I will further indemnify and hold harmless the Monroe Mandolin Camp, its employees and/or agents from all costs, expenses and liabilities resulting from any claim brought from my participation in Monroe MandolinCamp's programs to the extent of the Monroe Mandolin Camp's liability under general law.

Monroe Mandolin Camp does not control the Lake Junaluska Conference Center facility, and does not inspect it for safety hazards or direct its maintenance. Nor does Monroe Mandolin Camp take responsibility for personal property brought to camp. This event is for adults and parentally supervised youths. Campers are accordingly expected to see to their own safety and bring any safety concerns to the attention of Lake Junaluska Conference Center. Accordingly, the undersigned Camper, which includes any person who attends a Camp for for any length of time, or in any other capacity, agrees to hold Monroe Mandolin Camp harmless from and releases Monroe Mandolin Camp from any liability or responsibility for personal injury or property loss or damage. In case of injury or property loss or damage, Campers agree to look to their own insurance for compensation.

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